We all know that consuming apple cider vinegar is good for our bodies. It has many benefits, like treating overweight, constipation, or other health issues. However, one question that often pops up when it comes to pregnant women. Is vinegar safe during pregnancy So let’s know more about it today.
Most people are over-cautious during the pregnancy period, and they don’t like to experiment with anything new at this point. Many say vinegar is useful and helps the baby develop faster and better. Also, consuming during the first month of pregnancy is very good.
There are more such benefits in maintaining a healthy diet for a healthy pregnancy. At OVUM Hospitals, we are committed to providing you with the best maternal health care.
Firstly, you should know that ACV is made from apples by fermenting them. You will find two types of apple cider vinegar; they are pasteurized and non-pasteurized. Pregnant women should take only pasteurized ones, as they are pure apple cider vinegar. It will not contain harmful bacteria that can cause side effects to your baby.
The unpasteurized vinegar contains bacteria that make it more potent and unsuitable for pregnant women. It is perfect for health and ideal for the gut. But, it is still not recommended to consume during pregnancy as it can trigger and complicate pregnancy. You should speak to your doctor before having apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar is not new; it is an ancient concept that has been by generations. Let’s know how ACV will help us-
Keeps bloating at bay– One of the most troubling symptoms in early pregnancy is bloating. Bloating happens due to the hormonal changes in the body that relaxes intestinal muscles; this slows digestion and leads to heartburn and gas. Mix two spoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and consume half before and another half after the meals.
Heartburn and acidity – During your 12th to 27th week of pregnancy, heartburn and acidity become a common problem. Apple cider vinegar comes in handy to help the situation. You can consume 1 tablespoon of ACV mixed in one glass of water; it will solve the problem immediately.
Glowing skin during pregnancy – Pregnancy is known to have glowing skin, but hormonal changes take a toll on your health; because of this, you may get acne and pimples. As the hormones change, the level of androgens in the body increases; it starts to clog the skin pores and leads to pimples and acne. You can use ACV as a toner; drinking ACV gives you glowing skin.
Morning sickness – During pregnancy, you may have morning sickness due to acidity in the stomach. Consume apple cider vinegar twice a day to overcome the problem.
ACV prevents urinary tract infection – Urinary tract infection is common during pregnancy. As your baby starts growing, it creates pressure on your bladder. It becomes hard for you to urinate every time. It may lead to multiplying bacteria in your urinary tract system. To treat it naturally, consume two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar daily in a glass of water.
Helps to cure indigestion – You may sometimes experience indigestion causing discomfort. Consuming diluted apple cider vinegar will give you huge relief.
Helps to cure leg cramps – There are many reasons for leg cramps in pregnant women. By consuming ACV, the potassium level in pregnant women increases and decreases discomfort.
We have the best team of gynecologists in Bangalore who are experienced in preventive care and other women’s health-related issues.